Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dancing with Dragonflies

Mandie's owner passed away and she went to live with a family member who could not care for her. Mandie was surrendered to a rescuer in SC who was so alarmed by her appearance that she knew only a BT rescue could help her. Within days, Mandie was transported to CCBTR. At our vet, Mandie weighed in at a shocking 10.2 pounds. The poor little Mandie may be suffering from the condition Protein Loosing Enteropathy. PLE is a condition wherein no protein is absorbed which leaves the dog emaciated. We are treating Mandie for PLE which means a lot more trips to the vet, blood work, lab tests, special diet and medicines. We hope that you will help us help restore Mandie to good health and good weight.

Spring is ready to be sprung and CCBTR wants very much for MANDIE to be healthy enough to dance with the dragonflies in the warm breezes and green grasses of spring! Please help make this a reality for MANDIE by supporting CCBTR's first on line auction in honor of MANDIE!

To help Mandie, go to Coastal Carolina Boston Terrier Rescue


  1. What a sweet face!! I hope the Dragonfly quilt makes lots of money!!

  2. Congratulations to C.B. for being our high bidder on the quilt.
    ~ Mandie

  3. Thank you to C.B. for being the high bidder on the Mandie fund raiser quilt- "Dancing with the Dragonflies"!
