Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dogs truly are our best friends.

Even when they are bad or sick there is nothing that most of us wouldn't do for our dogs. We love them, spoil them and do our best to take care of them.  However some dogs, like my Mollie are more difficult. Mollie has two habits I have never been able to break: trash and toads.

Mollie is my special girl/best friend for one reason, her always being there for me is why I am still a live functioning person and not an alcoholic or worse.
Like many of us, I came back from Iraq a different person with my own perspective on the war and my own experiences, not all pleasant. I'm not going to delve into them because the blog is about the dogs not me.
Mollie didn't care that I was different when I came back, she didn't judge she just listened and was there. She snuggled up with me on the couch, ran errands or went running with me. When I was overwhelmed she sat with me as I pet her and organized my thoughts in order to get through my day.

That is why me and so may others can function, shes not a certified service dog but she is my dog and she takes care of me.
That's why this week was hard on my heart at the thought that something was terrible wrong and I might lose my Mollie.
Last Monday I fussed at her cause I thought she ate a toad, she was drooling everywhere, listless and wouldn't eat. I got her to drink some milk but even that didn't go far.  On Wednesday she could barely walk and my husband would lift her into the bed to sleep at night  I made her an appointment with the vet for Fri and that day was not coming soon enough.

Friday my husband took her in and the vet said they would have to sedate her and do x-rays that it looked like arthritis or hip dysplasia. That didn't explain the eating thing but we were starting on what we could do.
He left her there since the x-rays weren't going to be done for a few more hours.  That was a long 5 hours and I'm glad that Fridays are busy at work for me.
They returned home shortly after I did with good news. Mollie did not have hip dysplasia and her arthritis is very mild , for an eleven yr old dog she is doing well.

What happened was not a toad but the trash, at some point Mollie tried to eat a rubber-band of some kind and it wrapped around the base of her tongue. It cut the sides of her tongue and caused the drooling I usually associate with her snacking on a toad. It also blocked her from swallowing food leaving her hungry and weak. I have never felt like such a bad Mom in all my life.  The vet found it when he tried to administer the anesthesia.

She is on soft food rest and antibiotics for a while till it heals.
This morning after two filling meals of chicken and rice she was up running and jumping much more like her old self. She is napping more today but that's just fine, she can nap all she wants as long as she's here and healthy withe me.

Because of this every year I participate in the Walk For Those Who Can't for Canines for Service who raise money for service dogs for veterans. With everything my dog gave me please help me share that with others.
Please join CCBTR in Wilmington on March 23, 2013 to help raise money for service dogs.

*Some resources for veterans, their friends and family.
Marine Corps DSTRESS 1-877-476-7734
Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255
Wounded Warrior Project

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